Saturday, February 23, 2013

Water Pollution

                                 Water Pollution                                          Naveen Moinuddin
             Water and life, an inseparable pair, are slowly inching apart due to the affects of water pollution as we know it. Water pollution, the contamination of water bodies, is degrading water quality causing a direct impact on water quantity. Although several factors contribute to the polluted waters, some factors are seen as larger threats than others. Nuclear plants and factories release chemicals and dangerous toxins into lakes and rivers harming aquatic life and creating human health hazards.  The use of fertilizers and pesticides on farm land is also a major threat to fresh water reserves; the runoff of pesticides into streams, lakes, and rivers pollute the water entirely.  Shockingly, pollution in the air is also a major cause of water pollution. When water particles in the air mix with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, acid rain is produced contaminating large bodies of water and the marine life in them.  The production of acid rain can be shown through this chemical equation: H2O + SO2   -->       H2SO3. Recently, scientists developed new filter technology called Super Socks to help prevent storm waste and other harmful chemicals from flowing into fresh water supplies. Simple steps can also be taken to prevent water pollution such as conserving water by turning off the faucet when not in use or taking quicker showers. Limiting the use of toxic products such as paints, oil, or polishes and disposing toxic products in the correct manner can also help a great deal in preventing the rise of water pollution.  
Everything You Need to Know About Water Pollution and Much More by Yunus Syed
Water pollution is a worldwide problem that kills thousands daily. It is a result of contaminants being thrown into seas, lakes and oceans. These contaminants range from toxic chemicals to parasites. Another reason for water pollution can be found in areas south of the Hudson river, where there are areas of oxygen depletion (loss of oxygen) caused by chemicals and by algae blooms. Many algae cells die and decompose which results in an excess of nutrients.
Water pollution has many effects. With unhealthy water, many people die, as is the case in India with a polluted Ganges river. The food chain is heavily disrupted since the first level consumers ingest toxins and get eaten by the second level consumers who themselves become polluted, thus polluting the chain to the top. This leads to economic decline in areas that rely on the fishing industry.
A very simple way to minimize water pollution is by being more aware of what we throw away and where we throw it away. Also, by wasting less water, there will be less water that will be in need of treatment.


  1. The issue of water pollution is not really taken as seriously as it should be taken. All the facts are out there but not many people pay attention to it. Many people think global warming is a bigger issue than water pollution when in fact water pollution is right up there with global warming, perhaps even surpassing it. As mentioned by the two students, water pollution is killing fish and other wildlife. There was a river by the name Cuyahoga River that actually caught fire because of all the trash and chemicals that was in the river. This is just the beginning unless we try doing something about it.

  2. Water pollution is a very serious problem to the world today. When pollutants enter the water, they can harm the rivers, lakes, and streams. Most pollutants come from fertilizers in which farmers use them to help grow crops. These nutrients are then washed by water and can enter the lakes and streams in which then can harm the fishes and other organisms dwelling there. As mentioned by these two students, water pollution can harm animal and human life. People all need clean water to operate buildings such as factories, grow crops, and need to drink in order for survival. As said before, fish and other wildlife animals depend on water to survive. For humans to survive, they must consume clean water. Dirty water is the world's biggest health risk, which continues to threaten both quality of life and public health especially in the US. If people consume dirty water, they become sick with illness and can die. Examples of water pollution is Lake Karachay in Russia where water was full of pollution because the Soviet Union used the lake to dump nuclear waste from their nuclear production facilities. People now try to avoid water pollution by using water treatment in factories, avoiding the mixing of chemicals and garbage in lakes, and to reduce water usage in peoples' homes.

  3. Water pollution is getting worse day by day and it is very important that we do all that we can to stop pollutants from entering our waterways not only because they pose a major threat to aquatic life and human life but also because if less money is spent on filtering the contaminated water, the financial benefits will be enormous and more money will be used to make the quality of our lives better. The two essays mention aquatic life as a huge victim of water pollution however they don't explain why aquatic life is a victim. The reason water pollution is a major threat towards aquatic life is because sediment in the water reduces the amount of light that penetrates the water surface. when this occurs, plants cannot get the energy they need to grow. when the plant decays it takes up oxygen in the water. the lack of oxygen is necessary for aquatic life.

  4. the earth's water supply is becoming even more polluted every day. barely anyone knows about the damage that they are causing, we are all unaware of the hundreds, and even thousands of animals that we are killing daily. This further leads to damage of human life, as we eat and nourish ourselves from these very same animals.

  5. According to the World Water Assessment Program, everyday, two million tons of human waste are disposed into bodies of water. This is very unfortunate, since everybody knows the harms of water pollution. Due to contaminants being thrown into lakes, seas, and oceans, animal and human population decreases. Pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers, and parasites found in streams and rivers tend to kill off life on earth. In order to fix the issue of water pollution, it is our responsibility to just follow rules. If we dispose of the harmful substances in the proper manner, most of the problem would be solved.

  6. I agree with all the previous students in that water pollution is a grave problem that exists, but consuming less water is not the solution. Logically speaking, the answer would not be to stop using water, but to stop what is contaminating the water. Turning off the faucet is not going to prevent chemicals from killing marine life. I believe that the appropriate way to deal with this atrocity is to simply facilitate these wastes in certain areas where they will have the least effect on our ecosystems; which can be enforced by governments all across the world. As of right now, we haven't found any efficient method to completely get rid of these wastes, but we can always do the best with what we have.

  7. In the case of water pollution, awareness is the key. Water pollution is not a complicated problem, in fact its a very simple one. The problem is pollution is like a bad habit- even if you recognize it you constantly have to be aware of yourself to avoid it. Fortunately steps are being taken to regulate the chemicals poured into lakes and rivers, but we have to take personal steps to avoid using non-biodegradable products and to recycle materials that would otherwise end up polluting water ecosystems.

  8. Water is synonymous with life- we need clean water to survive, yet right now we're heading towards a water crisis. Changing climate patterns are already threatening lakes and rivers, and our day-to-day contributions only make the problem worse. Contaminated water is one of the biggest health risks present, for humans as well as marine life- we are already seeing the problems it causes, and if they aren't addressed now, then we are doing a huge injustice to our future generations. Water pollution is a global problem, and it can only be taken care of if we all do our part to make sure that our water stays clean.

  9. The effects of water pollution are extensive, making their presence felt in both developed and undeveloped areas. In developed areas there is chemical runoff from farms as well as other industrial pollutants. In undeveloped areas there is runoff as well as sewage dumping, which contaminates the water, harming both the people and wildlife. What we have to do is be conscious and encourage efforts to reduce pollutants in water. Hopefully big corporations will do their part to preserve the environment and we can stop the pollution of water for good.

  10. Sometimes you don't value what you have until you lose it. Water is one of Earths most precious resources, and is vital to life on Earth. However, most people underestimate the damage they are doing to our environment and ignore the consequences of their actions. As a result, not only innocent people, but innocent animals are suffering from this pollution. And so I agree with previous comments that say that in order to stop water pollution we must have a combined effort. Water pollution is something caused by human beings, and so each of us must take responsibility and try to correct our mistake. We must learn as a race not to only be human beings, but to be humane beings as well.

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