Saturday, February 23, 2013

Genetic Pollution / GMO


                                                     Genetically Modified Foods                 Areeba Mazher
            The essence of genetic engineering is taking a desired trait present in one species and inserting it into another species in order to enhance the overall value of that organism. Restriction enzymes can be used to “cut” the DNA molecule at the specific part containing the desired gene. This gene is to be inserted into the target organism’s cells, but a vector is needed. Cells naturally reject foreign DNA, so the only way to insert the gene is by invading the cell, a job that is well performed by bacteria and viruses. The desired gene is combined with DNA plasmids found in bacteria. These plasmids then replicate, thus replicating the gene, upon entering the host cell’s nucleus. Another method used to get the genetically engineered DNA across cell walls is by using a stream of electricity, which creates tiny holes in the cell wall. This leaves the cells vulnerable to infiltration by foreign DNA. The gene gun, yet another commonly used method, blasts particles of gold coated with the engineered DNA into the plant cells. Each of these methods needs a promoter gene which turns on the desired characteristics- this gene is often found in the cauliflower mosaic virus.
            There is no proper scientific evidence to show that genetically modified foods are safe. Research has shown, however, the potential environmental and health risks posed by GMOs. Genetically modified plants could cause unintended harm to the organisms they interact with; there is also the fear of a gene transfer to non-target species as a result of natural cross-breeding. Health risks include allergic reactions, but more worrisome are the unknown effects that GM foods could have on human health. One step that can be taken is the proper labeling of foods that have been genetically modified, so consumers are aware and can make their own food choices.

                                                       Genetic Pollution                         Imad Ahmed
Genetically modified foods can have many different effects on the environment. Most of which are very harmful. Although about 50,000 species of genetically modified plants are harmless, only benefitting the environment; the rest have harsh, negative effects on the ecosystem. A few problems result in possible failure of all crops that are being grown. Genetically modified plants can leak proteins present in the transgenic plants, and cause the micro biotic life to become less diverse, resulting in the loss of soil health and unbalance the ecosystem. Species of genetically modified sunflowers have also been shown to have cross bred with nearby weeds, thus spreading the unwanted plants.
Aside from the transgenic plants harming other plants, they can also cause harm to other animals. Plants modified to resist pests affect the lives of other organisms also. For example, B.T. corn plants have a special toxin that wards off and kills corn boring pests, yet, in a study it has been shown that monarch butterfly larvae have had higher mortality rates and slower growth after eating plants with pollen carried from the mutated corn plants. The pollen carrying the toxins can fly to very far distances, and can change the lives of groups of animals.
            There are also arguments about whether genetically modified foods are safe for humans or not. No results have been shown yet, but no one knows about the possible long term effects that the plants can have on us. Research shows that 93 percent of pregnant mothers have B.T. toxins present in their blood, which could possibly lead to cancer in the babies, even before they are born. Plants resistant to other issues were shown to have changed nearby weed to become “superweeds”, which are resistant to even some herbicides.
            Small plants, many problems. These little mutants can devastate entire ecosystems, leading to totally unbalanced environments. With all these problems, many problems are still unknown, thus leading to controversies in the production of even more of the thousands of already produce transgenic plants.


  1. Genetically Modified Foods:

    As more and more people are concerned over the consumption of GM foods, legislation is increasingly mandating the labeling of products containing GM products. As of right now, a total of 18 states in the US are examining laws that seek to label products containing GMOs.

  2. the effects of genetically modified foods remain a mystery till this day. According to Dr.Steve Windley, the co-founder of, "there is almost zero published research concerning the long term or short term effects on humans." Because we have no idea about the dangers of genetically modified foods we should try our best to keep away from them by purchasing more organic foods, focus more on buying fruits and vegetables because these foods are generally not modified, and educate ourselves on the topic. Genetically modified foods may seem useful to us now,but we have no idea how they will effect us in the coming future. It is our duty to let people know that this issue is important to us and our health and it cannot be ignored.

  3. You probably ate a genetically modified banana today and you didn't even know it! According to Dr. Oz, "As much as 80% of all packaged foods contain genetically modified organisms" making them difficult to avoid. The continuation of genetically modified organisms is very controversial; Those against the idea argue that no research has been conducted tracking the long term effects of genetically modified organisms on human health. Those in favor dispute that genetically modified organisms allow crops to be grown on once inhospitable lands leading to price reduction and the decrease of a famished population.

  4. Genetic engineering allows scientists to speed up production by moving desired genes from one plant into another, or even from an animal to a plant. This is very scary, since it is possible for humans to be played with, without even knowing. However, genetically modified products may have advantages. The many benefits of engineered foods were not mentioned, possibly since the harms take over the advantages. But it may be impotant to note that genetically modified foods allow us to intake more nutritious and tasty food, that possibly was treated with decreased amounts of pesticides, and that may be used as vaccines or other medications. However, there is a high risk of unexpected harms on the body.

  5. Genetically modified foods have not been tested to see if they are safe. It is absolutely crazy that people are eating these foods and they have no idea what kind of effects they might have on human DNA. That being said, genetic engineering is an amazing thing. It could be used to make humans stronger, faster, and smarter. At this point, they're just playing with animal and plant genes, but the possibilities are endless. Frankly, this is horrifying. Humans could be genetically modified, changed to be different and they may not even know about it? Imagine just how much an evil genius could do with this, and any gruesome effects it might have on the finished products. As the first essay states, it's nearly impossible to predict which strands of DNA will bond together, which mean these scientist don't exactly know what they're doing. They're putting two highly reactive variables together and hoping that something good will come of it. This is pure foolishness, and while I don't necessarily approve of genetic engineering and modifications, I believe it is a fascinating field and that it should be studied further, under proper conditions of course. As I said earlier, the possibilities are endless.

  6. There is no concrete evidence that proves the danger of Genetically modified foods, however, there are many theories that question it's effects on people and the environment. One of these states that if these genetically modified foods are not properly contained, they will dominate all the other strains of the same plant, leading to less biodiversity. Despite this, there is no tangible harm that has been recorded in the many years that scientists have tested them, and until there is, they will continue to be a major component of worldwide food production.

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  8. In mankind's race towards evolution, we've regressed, destroying the planet we have been trying so hard to improve. This is especially the case with genetic pollution as people constantly try to improve whats already perfect which eventually results in us giving more harm than benefit. What makes things even worse is that this harm does not only affect one area. Because everything in nature is connected, when you harm one aspect- in this case genetically modifying plants- you disrupt the entire balance and change everything. The fact that this harms even babies and animals should be enough to shame the living day lights out of all of us, especially since babies and animals are innocent but are punished for crimes not their own. The point is, like we should in all other aspects of life, we should be careful about what we do and how we do it.
