Saturday, February 23, 2013

Water Pollution

                                 Water Pollution                                          Naveen Moinuddin
             Water and life, an inseparable pair, are slowly inching apart due to the affects of water pollution as we know it. Water pollution, the contamination of water bodies, is degrading water quality causing a direct impact on water quantity. Although several factors contribute to the polluted waters, some factors are seen as larger threats than others. Nuclear plants and factories release chemicals and dangerous toxins into lakes and rivers harming aquatic life and creating human health hazards.  The use of fertilizers and pesticides on farm land is also a major threat to fresh water reserves; the runoff of pesticides into streams, lakes, and rivers pollute the water entirely.  Shockingly, pollution in the air is also a major cause of water pollution. When water particles in the air mix with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, acid rain is produced contaminating large bodies of water and the marine life in them.  The production of acid rain can be shown through this chemical equation: H2O + SO2   -->       H2SO3. Recently, scientists developed new filter technology called Super Socks to help prevent storm waste and other harmful chemicals from flowing into fresh water supplies. Simple steps can also be taken to prevent water pollution such as conserving water by turning off the faucet when not in use or taking quicker showers. Limiting the use of toxic products such as paints, oil, or polishes and disposing toxic products in the correct manner can also help a great deal in preventing the rise of water pollution.  
Everything You Need to Know About Water Pollution and Much More by Yunus Syed
Water pollution is a worldwide problem that kills thousands daily. It is a result of contaminants being thrown into seas, lakes and oceans. These contaminants range from toxic chemicals to parasites. Another reason for water pollution can be found in areas south of the Hudson river, where there are areas of oxygen depletion (loss of oxygen) caused by chemicals and by algae blooms. Many algae cells die and decompose which results in an excess of nutrients.
Water pollution has many effects. With unhealthy water, many people die, as is the case in India with a polluted Ganges river. The food chain is heavily disrupted since the first level consumers ingest toxins and get eaten by the second level consumers who themselves become polluted, thus polluting the chain to the top. This leads to economic decline in areas that rely on the fishing industry.
A very simple way to minimize water pollution is by being more aware of what we throw away and where we throw it away. Also, by wasting less water, there will be less water that will be in need of treatment.

Radioactivity and Radioactive wastes

               Radioactivity and Radioactive wastes                                Suhaib Khan

            With governments searching for effective sources of energy, nuclear energy has been touted for its effectiveness in comparison to other energy sources. The high building costs and dangerous wastes formed are countered by the relatively low fuel costs and low waste output. However even while being much more efficient than fossil fuels, which constitute about 70% of the energy used in the U.S., Nuclear energy makes up only about 20% due to concerns about safety and the environment. Behind these concerns are the volatile nature of the process and the production of radioactive waste.
            Nuclear power plants use a process called nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity. A commonly used isotope is Uranium-235 which is bombarded with Neutrons and gives off energy. This reaction is represented by the equation; as is shown, neutrons are given off, resulting in a chain reaction. The products of the fission reaction are very unstable and radioactive, as they release beta and gamma rays. Actinides are also left over giving off alpha particles. The radioactivity of these products paired with their extremely long half- lives makes them a problem to dispose, as doing so in the conventional means would prove disastrous for the environment.
            There are four main levels of radioactive wastes: very low (VLLW), low (LLW), intermediate (ILW), and high (HLW). VLLW and LLW are very easily disposable and do not require any shielding or excessive measures. ILW require a little bit more protection, but are still relatively easy to dispose of. HLW, which include the used fuels and fission products, are the ones that pose a serious threat to society. However, the 10,000 m3 annual world output of HLW is very small in comparison to the 200,000 m3 of all the other types of waste combined. These HLW are not disposed of traditionally but are kept at the nuclear reactor sites, mostly in storage ponds.
         Scientists have tried to develop more efficient and less dangerous ways to generate energy, one of which is nuclear fusion. Reflected by the equation
the absence of radioactive isotopes significantly reduces the waste output. Another solution that has been used is to combine the wastes into mixed oxide fuel, which can then be used again, reducing the radioactivity and volume drastically. Many strides have been achieved in making nuclear power a safe alternative energy, and it is quickly becoming the preferred fuel of the future.
Aiman Moiz

There are about 20 million shipments of radioactive material each year. Radioactive material is used for many things other than the nuclear fuel cycle; in fact, about 5% of the shipments are related to the fuel cycle. Ever since 1961,the International Atomic Energy Agency has regulated all transport and storage of radioactive materials. These regulations in turn have been adopted by most nations as well. Despite the regulations on transportation, the IAEA does not regulate usage as strictly as it does transportation.
   Different fuel cycle labs are located in many areas of  the world and diverse types and sizes of materials must be sent back and forth. A large amount of these materials are similar to those used in corresponding endeavors. In the end, the fuel and waste produced by this industry is radioactive on varying levels.

    According to Ohio State University,The U.S. Department of Transportation specifies regulations for container safety, labeling, routing, and emergency response for the transportation of low-level radioactive waste. The regulations can be found in the "Hazardous Materials" section of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. These regulations state that radioactive waste must be stored and transported in a strong, tight container. There are different types of containers for different levels of radioactivity, type A for lower level waste and type B for anything that is highly unstable or giving of suffocating amounts of radiation. It must also be labeled either white or yellow and numbered according to how how unstable it is. It's stored similarly, so as to keep from releasing radiation or harming either humans or the environment.

Plastic Pollution & Biodegradable Plastics

Plastic Pollution & Biodegradable Plastics       
Najaf Rizvi

Plastic pollution is one of the biggest problems that plagues our world today. Although plastic doesn’t look very harmful, it is very dangerous to the environment- us people included. This is because it is constantly affecting the environment in some bad way instead of breaking down peacefully. When the little plastic that breaks down actually breaks down, its small particles attract toxic and harmful chemicals. Animals and plants eventually come into contact with these chemicals which harms the food chain itself. These harmful chemicals are unfortunately present within almost every one of us, even newborn babies. Even worse is the fact that this problem is just spiraling out of control because people constantly use plastic items. And even if these plastics are used for just seconds, their effects are seen for years.

However, there is some hope regarding plastic pollution, and that’s biodegradable plastics. A biodegradable plastic is a plastic that can be broken down through biological means into their base compounds. This is very useful and helpful to the environment because it can be broken down, in proper conditions, completely into carbon and gasses. However, as perfect as biodegradable plastics may seem, there are some disadvantages. There are some concerns that an oxo biodegradable plastic- which is basically a polyolefin (a polymer made from a simple alkene) plastic with added amounts of metal salts- would release metals and take a very long time to break down in some circumstances. They might also produce small fragments of plastic that do not degrade at any recognizable rate no matter the environment. However, that is only in certain conditions and otherwise, biodegradable plastics are one of the best things we can incorporate into our daily lives in order to help the environment.

The Greenhouse Effect

                                   The Greenhouse Effect                          Mujahid Zaman

Despite its connotation, the greenhouse effect is not inherently a bad thing. In fact it is one of the main reason the Earth is an inhabitable planet, the reason Earth can sustain life. In simple terms, the effect allows for the atmosphere to stay warm by trapping heat from the sun on the Earth’s surface. This can be analogized to the inside of a car heating up in the summer sunlight, even though this is not a perfect explanation. To explain further, most of the energy from sunlight is absorbed by the Earth’s surface (about 70%)- this energy goes to the plants, land, even the ocean. The rest of the energy is reflected back outward into the sky, but the absorbed energy is also radiated by the surface at a higher wavelength than the sunlight entering the atmosphere. This is where greenhouse gases come into play- they block this radiation from escaping into space and thus keep the Earth’s temperature relatively high.
The reason the greenhouse effect is seen as a problem, however, is the involvement of the human population. An increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, particularly of carbon dioxide, is a cause for worry as it has caused a small but continuous increase in the Earth’s average temperature. This increase is thought to be a reason for the changes in climate patterns and the melting of polar ice caps, which could cause the extinctions of many animals and destruction of coastal cities/human populations overtime. Human burning of fossil fuel for energy is a major producer of this carbon dioxide, and is one of the main causes attributed to global warming.

Almost everything we use in our homes that requires power that comes from the burning of fossil fuels, and indirectly releases carbon dioxide into the air, which is why the most important step for the future is to lower our average energy usage as well as look to alternative energy sources that do not require any combustion. Research and development in the fields of nuclear reactivity, solar, wind, and geothermal power sources should be at the forefront of human interest, because without them the world will lose all that makes it the nurturing planet it is.
Mariam Mohsin
Fighting the Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is the earth’s natural warming process.  It is the process that allows sunlight to enter the earth’s atmosphere freely. It must be kept balanced to keep the earth’s temperature constant so humans, animals, and plants can live. Excess greenhouse gasses prevent heat from escaping into space and cause global warming.
Humans use up large amounts of the earth’s natural resources, and tend to forget what harms the environment. Large amounts of the greenhouse gasses, which include methane, water vapor, ozone, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide, get in the way of the Greenhouse Effect, by trapping heat. Too much gas causes an imbalance in the earth’s atmosphere, causing the planet to heat up. Burning oil, natural gas, fossil fuels, and coal causes carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere. Cutting down trees and burning them leaves the same effect. Chlorofluorocarbons are used to make cans, fridges, foam plastics, and hairsprays. Small amounts in the atmosphere can trap large amounts of heat. 
If large amounts of heat are trapped on the earth, the climate will change. In some regions, summers will become drier and hotter, while winters will be rainier. Changes in the amount of rainfall will affect the farming industry by causing a shortage of food. There will also be a greater demand for water all over the world. High temperatures will cause see levels to rise as ice melts and flows into the sea. This will cause flooding in low-lying coastal areas, forcing people to move from their houses, and adapt to a whole new way of life. As ice melts, more and more animals will also lose their homes, and species may become extinct.
            The overall effect of the greenhouse effect depends on what people do to reduce climate change in the world. The most important steps that can be taken to avoid the earth from heating up is reducing the amount of energy used by using less electricity, carpooling, and recycling.

Fossil Fuels

                                               Fossil Fuels                                   Zain Chaudhary

            Fossil fuels are created by the decomposition of biodegradable materials such as dead plants and animals. When these animals die, they are covered with layers of dirt and transformed into fossil fuels over time. These fossil fuels contain energy that can be extracted through mechanical means (ex. burning them). In modern day, we rely on fossil fuels as our main source of energy. The three tio sources of fossil fuel energy are: coal, natural gas, and oil (petroleum). Oil, coal and natural gas supply nearly 88 percent of the world’s energy needs, or about 350 quadrillion BTUs ( Despite all of the benefits that the world reaps out of fossil fuels there are many detrimental effects of their extraction and use.

            First and foremost, considering that fossil fuels take millions of years to form, the realization that there can only be so much comes about.  In fact, some of the fossil fuels that are being consumed today are over 650 million years old. There is no possible way to duplicate the change that occurs in these millions of years and thus no way to create more fossil fuels, hence they are categorized as non-renewable. The burning of fossil fuels will eventually reach an obstruction, so we must act appropriately before it even happens.

            Secondly, fossil fuels tend to have a high concentration of carbon within them, which are released when they are burnt. Normally there is a balanced proportion of carbon (greenhouse gas) in the atmosphere, but the burning of fossil fuels releases a disastrous amount. In effect, an unbalanced proportion of greenhouse gases results in global warming and climate changes.

            The solution to all of these problems is renewable energy. Yet the irony lies wherein there exists another problem within the solution to all of the original problems. There is a reason why renewable energy has not been put into effect-money. Renewableenergy sources such as: hydroelectricity and solar panels are very costly. Creating them on a mass scale is deffinately not possible as of right now. Hopefully in the future, new technology will aid us in the advent for clean, renewable energy.

Mercury Pollution

Mercury Pollution                                                         Imazul Qadir
Mercury is a toxic element that occurs in nature both, naturally and as a contaminant. The toxic effects of mercury depend on the chemical form and how it is exposed. Methylmercury [CH3Hg], the most toxic form, affects the immune system, alters genetic and enzyme systems, and damages the nervous system. Elemental mercury, Hg(0), the form released from things such as broken thermometers can cause tremors and gingivitis. Elemental mercury can be found in higher concentrations than methylmerciry in environments such as gold mine sites.
            The most common cause of people being exposed to mercury is by eating contaminated seafood. Fetuses and children that are exposed to mercury, even if it is a small amount, are likely to suffer from neurological disorders including improper functioning in attention, memory, and visual abiilities. High levels of exposure could possible lead to mental retardation. Recent studies have shown a relationship between mercury exposure and chances of heart attacks in men. Mercury has also shown to have negative effects on fertility and blood pressure. The shocking part though is that nearly all studies agree that the human effects of mercury exposure cannot be reversed.
In many areas around the United States, concentrations of mercury in particular areas are fairly high. Controlled lab studies have found toxic effects at concentrations that are common in certain environments compared to the concentrations in other areas. For example, Wansford Health reports that in Wisconsin, reductions in the loon chick production have been found in lakes where mercury concentrations in eggs exceed concentrations that are toxic in lab studies.
            Industrial and mining activities are big factors responsible for the gathering of mercury in certain areas. In highly polluted areas, natural processes may help getting rid of that concentration. In relatively remote areas, however, mercury concentrations have increased because the atmosphereic deposition has increased. Things such as Lake Acidification and the mobilization of mercury in soils in flooded areas can increase the likelihood of mercury contamination.
Though we know what the problem is, a solution is unclear so far. Because of a lack of information on the effects and the fluctuating behavior of mercury in/on the environment, scientists have not been able to identify an effective way to manage the country’s mercury crisis; but methods have been introduced to help get rid of mercury pollution. For example, the EPA has launched a program listing out several important steps that need to be carried out such as treating waste that cannot be recycled before disposing it and waste minimization. 
Mercury Pollution                                                     Atiya Mahkri
Mercury pollution has been a recognized as an environmental threat since the 1950s. While mercury does occur naturally, it has become widespread due to human-related activities. It the past century mercury pollution has doubled globally. Mercury released into the atmosphere enters bodies of water and contaminates fish, which humans consume.  Consuming fish with unsafe levels of mercury, can lead to various health problems. The metal pollutant is a neurotoxin that can negatively effect the nervous system of both humans and wildlife. The growing problem has gained some attention and the measures taken may potentially reduce mercury emissions.
A great amount of mercury emissions, in USA, arises from coal-fired power plants. Mercury naturally exists in coal and gets released into the air as coal burns. Over 50% of electricity generated in the US is by burning coal. Therefore, coal-fired power plants are the ultimate producer of mercury emissions in the US. Cement kilns are another major source; kilns are powered by coal burning and release more mercury emissions than coal-power plants, fortunately they are fewer in number. Discarded electronics, household, and medical waste also release a significant amount mercury into the air. Mercury is used to separate metal and ore during gold mining. In some cases the ore itself contains mercury. Operating as well as closed mines allow thousands of pounds of mercury to seep into the soil.
 Once within the soil, the mercury seeps into water systems. Here microscopic organisms turn the inorganic mercury into methylmercury (CH3Hg) .Because the half-life of methylemercury is 72, is bioaccumlates -which is when an organism absorbs a toxic substance faster than the rate in which the substance decays.  Methylmercury biomagnifies meaning that as the food chain progresses the concentration of methylmercury increases. Therefore, larger, older predatory fish are more likely to have higher concentrations of the poison.  Fish such as trout, walleye, and tuna can have millions times more mercury than their surrounding waters.
Wildlife and people that consume these fish are at risk of serious health issues; it is particularly hazardous to neurological development. Thus pregnant females, fetuses, and young kids are at the highest risk. There is a link between birth deformities, loss of IQ points, adverse effects on language skills, memory function, vision, attention spans, as well as cardiovascular disease, and autism- and mercury exposure. It is recommend to eat fish, even ones with low mercury levels, no more than twice a week.
In 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took measures, for the first time, to stop mercury emissions emitted from coal-fired power plants. This act aims to reduce mercury emission by 91 percent.  In 2005, The European Union adopted its Mercury Strategy, which consisted of new polices intending to reduce mercury’s impact. Some measures include, bans on use of mercury in products such as thermometers, blood pressure tools, batteries, dental devices, and chlorine production items. Other measures regulate mercury disposal in water, educate people on fish consumption, and a ban on mercury exports.
Mercury pollution continues to negatively affect humans, wildlife, and the environment as a whole. Human-produced mercury emissions are released into the atmosphere by coal-fired power plants, cement kilns, gold mining, and from various kinds of waste. Fish and other aquatic animals that contain methylmercury can cause brain and other developmental deficiencies in humans. While preventative measures have been taken, mercury pollution remains a major environmental concern.

Acid Rain and Pollution

                  Acid Rain and Pollution           Sharmeen Moinuddin
         Acid rain is a form of precipitation that is acidic in nature and results from the excessive burning of fossil fuels. It is formed when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide react with water, oxygen, and oxidants in the atmosphere to form a variety of acidic compounds. Nitric acid and nitrous acid are both formed by reacting nitrogen dioxide with water as shown in this chemical formula: 2NO2(l) + H2O(l) = HNO2(aq) + HNO3(aq). Sulfuric acid and nitric acid are the main acids present in acid rain. Sulfur usually comes from volcanoes and power stations which are the producers of electricity, whereas nitrogen oxides come from cars and truck exhausts. Acid rain has huge impacts on both the natural and man-made environments. There are many negative effects of acid rain on forests, water life, human health, and even buildings. A number of steps are being taken to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide and sulfur being released into the air. Energy conservation is necessary in order for this to happen. Government agencies and scientists are taking actions to stop acid rain such as by founding new programs that limit the amount of sulfur dioxide that power plants can release into the air. Car manufactures are also being required to decrease the amount of nitrogen oxides and other pollutants given off by creating new eco- friendly cars. We can also help conserve energy by turning off all electrical apparatus when not in use, buying eco- friendly equipment, limiting the use air conditioning, carpooling, etc.    
                                                       Acid Rain Pollution                                           Yaman Mahairi
            Acid rain is one of the types of precipitation that is acidic, which contains situated levels of hydrogen ions, or in other words, low ph. Acid rain is a threat to plants, aquatic animals, and infrastructure. Acid rain is the result of the productions of NO (nitrogen oxide) and SO2, that combine with the H2O molecules in the air to produce acids. NO2 can also be produced by lightning while SO2 is produced by the eruption of volcanoes. The substances such as chemicals in acid rain can affect the infrastructure of a city by causing paint to tear, damaging of steel structures such as highways, destruction of stone buildings, and many more. The major gas that leads to acid rain formation is SO2, or sulfur dioxide. The most principle cause of acid rain is human activity such as factories and motor vehicles. Almost half of the world’s population use vehicles as transportation which can give a good rate for acid rain to form. Some factories use coal as their contributor to gaseous pollutions which is responsible for acid rain formation. The gases formed from these coals can be carried by the air, thousands of kilometers, and then converted back to acids and rained down upon. Long ago, factories contained short funnels that released smoke out which caused local problems. Now factories have longer smoke funnels. However, this also poses a threat because pollutants can be carried farther, which causes a huge ecological damage. There is much chemistry involved in acid rain formation. Fuels produce nitric oxides and SO2 which are converted into nitric and sulfuric acids. For example, in the gas phase, SO2 is oxidized by reacting with hydroxyl to form the reaction: SO2+ OH >>HOSO2 which is then followed by HOSO2+ O2 >> HO2+SO3. However, in the presence of water, SO3 is converted then to sulfuric acid: SO3 (g) + H2O (l) >> H2SO4 (aq). And nitrogen dioxide reacts with hydroxide to form nitric acid: NO2 (g) + OH (g) >> HNO3 (aq). This equation explains the gas phase process for acid rain in which sulfur and nitrogen dioxides form into acids. Acid rain has a harsh impact on the environment and society. Acid rain can destroy rain forests by killing tress, killing aquatic-life such as fishes, and causing damage to buildings. Acid rain can also affect the soil because of its low ph. The ph can harm the soil in which causes the plants to not grow. More than 50% of water streams are acidic.  Acid rain does not affect human health directly. However, the adverse effects from the air cause from acid rain can cause lung problems such as asthma. Nowadays, to stop acid rain from formation, many factories use flue-gas desulfurization, or FGD, to separate sulfur gases from other gases being formed. Governments have also made efforts to release a small amount of SO2 in the atmosphere with positive results. Many factories have started doing this process. However, acid rain still forms because of the problems of motor vehicles in which people need them to travel from one place to another.